by Andrew Corbett | Mar 13, 2022 | Apologetics
Several high-profile Christian performing artists have famously deconstructed their Christianity and have frequently also described it as deconverting. This includes DC Talk’s Kevin Max, and Hawk Nelson’s John Steingard and former pastor and best-selling author, Josh Harris. These stories have frequently rocked the faith of younger believers—especially since many of these deconstructed celebrities actually encourage these younger believers to deconvert. If you’re being influenced by a deconverted Christian celebrity to consider deconverting yourself, then please consider the following information.
by Dr. Andrew Corbett | Jun 3, 2020 | Apologetics
home > articles > apologetics > Introduction To Apologetics Part 1 Introduction To Apologetics By Dr. Andrew Corbett The ‘Modern’ age, also known as the ‘Industrial’ age began in the 1800s with the development of manufacturing technologies. This age was...
by Dr. Andrew Corbett | Sep 30, 2019 | Apologetics
Doubt is not incompatible with Christianity. Honest doubt actually leads to exploration and investigation of truth-claims which is a necessary step toward discovering the truth. One of the most doubtful claims of Christianity is that its central source of teaching, the Bible, is divinely inspired and without error. If it is the case that the Bible is not divinely inspired or without error, then Christianity is false and without foundation.
The relationship between Christianity and the Bible is difficult to overstate. Conversely, the level of doubt that many have about Christianity is ironically often due to similar levels of doubt about the Bible! Christians believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word from God to mankind. Because it is divinely inspired, Christians therefore believe that the Bible is inerrant (without error). Sceptics, however, scoff at these beliefs and question how anyone could believe a man was made from dirt, or how another man took two of every kind of animals onto an ark as the world was flooded, or how someone defied a world Emperor by summoning a plague of flies!
by Dr. Andrew Corbett | Jun 25, 2019 | Apologetics
Christianity stands or falls on the truthfulness of the Resurrection of Christ. Without an historically valid physical resurrection of Christ there is no basis in truth to Christianity. Far from being a doctrine of those ‘fundamentalists’, belief in the literal, physical, resurrection of Christ to immortality is actually what distinguishes a person from an animal.
by Dr. Andrew Corbett | Apr 4, 2019 | Apologetics
Ever hear something that didn’t quite sound right? Chances are that you discerned something. To discern means to judge, evaluate and distinguish. When you discern something you are potentially protecting both yourself and others from spiritual peril. So important is the ability to discern that Christ has specifically gifted the Church with a very special gift to ensure that it happens (First Corinthians 12:10). Yet, those who are gifted with discernment are often seen as judgmental, critical and therefore: unloving. What other gift of the Holy Spirit results in such rejection and dismissal as that of discernment? But what other gift of the Holy Spirit is needed more now than ever before? Here’s why.
by Dr. Andrew Corbett | Dec 6, 2018 | Apologetics
Some atheists claim that the only difference between them and Christians, is that they believe in one less god than Christians. They, like Christians, don’t believe in the ‘gods’ of Ancient Rome. Christians therefore, on this premise, are ‘atheists’ (for not believing in the existence of the Roman gods). Interestingly, this was the same accusation that the ancient Romans actually levelled at the early Christians as well – for the same reason as modern atheists. After all, these Romans pointed out, Christians didn’t believe in all the gods which the Romans venerated – Mars, Hermes, Zeus, Jupiter, and so on.
But the reason that Christians reject the gods of mythology, yet accept the God of the Bible, is the same reason: the evidence. There is no evidence for the mythological gods of the Greeks and Romans, and there is sufficiently verifiable evidence for the God of the Bible!