Profile of Dr Andrew Corbett
Profile of Dr Andrew Corbett...
Andrew says, "When I was saved at the age of 15 I had grown up with a constant and deep awareness of God. Although I had doubts I cannot remember a time when I did not know there was a God."
At 15 he discovered that believing there was a God was not the same as believing in God. He consequently committed his life to Christ and asked Him to take control of it. Just prior to this he had commenced reading the New Testament. It was this process of reading, especially the Book of Romans, which led Andrew to acknowledge he was a sinner and needed Christ as the Saviour of his sins.
"As I continued reading the New Testament I discovered that Christ promised the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues with the availability of supernatural gifts. I began seeking this."
At 16 he was in a small Pentecostal church, in Geelong Victoria, on a Wednesday night where a guest American preacher invited people to be prayed for to receive the Holy Spirit. Andrew responded to this invitation. "After prayer I felt different. Later that night at home, while alone, I spoke in tongues. I also had what I can only regard as an unusual supernatural experience where I was greatly physically shaken."
He came to know from a young age that he was called to preach, teach, and write for God. From the early years of my credentialed ministry he received insight and illumination into Biblical issues which have made a contribution to Christian thinking.
In 1995 he received a word from the Lord about moving to Tasmania from Melbourne. This was such a clear call that he and his young family packed everything they owned into a container and ordered a removalist to send it to “Tasmania”. Andrew had felt the Lord saying to him that God was “sending” him to Tasmania and that He was going to do something significant in an “insignificant” place. "I also felt that the Lord was calling me to sow my life into this call."
When they arrived in September 1995, uninvited and unknown, Andrew was invited to pastor Legana Assembly of God, a struggling church of 17 members, within one week of arriving.
Shortly after arriving he completed what had been 10 years of undergraduate study to earn a Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree. He then felt the Lord immediately call him to commence doctoral studies. These studies were completed over six years.
Since 1995 he has applied himself to lead and pastor Legana AOG, which has now become Legana Christian Church (and is now affiliated with the Acts 2 Alliance), with the support of able and gifted people, and fulfil a vision from God which is much bigger than our local area.
Legana Christian Church has now been blessed with many talented people who assist in the production of many multi-media.
Dr Andrew Corbett's Speaking Itinerary