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strengthening faith.dispelling doubts

Andrew Corbett in Zimbabwe at the Memorial to David Livingstone

Devotional Inklings...

Finding Truth Matters offers an exciting range of apologetic material that challenges hearts and minds.



Kim and I are now into our 11th year of pastoring this church. Over that time we have seen people come and go and lately come and stay. Over the course of last year we were blessed to have more people come than go. There is at this time a wonderful sense of peace and unity in the church which we need to guard. Much of this has come about because we have submitted to God's Word and Spirit and allowed Him to change us into the image of Christ. This has resulted in many of us learning to love, understand, make allowances for, and get along with others who may be quite different to us. If we are to grow into what God has for us this expression of Christlikeness must continue. It is really what the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5) is all about. Its also at the heart of Romans 12 where it says that God brings people together with different gifts and abilities and makes them one. Within that same passage it says that we are to outdo our love for each other and honour one another (Rom. 12:10). Therefore, when God blesses or honours someone in our fellowship, we rejoice (Rom. 12:15). And while we have grown both numerically and spiritually, in order for us to continue to do so we need to drive further into God's Word for help.

One of the things that will help us to grow is our recognition that God places within the fellowship certain gifts which complement each other. By now many know what my inadequacies and weaknesses are. I'm not a very good pastor. I struggle in so many ways to fulfil people's expectations of what they consider a "pastor" should be that at times its almost overwhelming. In those moments I find the Lord saying to me, "I've called you to be you. I've given you gifts that I want you to use. Don't focus on what you aren't, but develop who I say you are. I've called you to influence people in positions of influence. So teach My Word!" But I recognise, and so have many in our fellowship, that God has placed within our church those with good pastoral gifts. I'm not a very good counsellor. But God has placed within our church those with good counselling gifts. Increasingly God is bringing into our church people with gifts and ministries that will help us to make an impact on our community and society. This impact will alter the course of our State's future for eternity and therefore for our history!

Andrew Corbett, February 2006

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