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strengthening faith.dispelling doubts

Andrew Corbett in Zimbabwe at the Memorial to David Livingstone

Devotional Inklings...

Finding Truth Matters offers an exciting range of apologetic material that challenges hearts and minds.



The last thing that Jesus told His disciples to do was to win the world for Him. That's a pretty big task. But in one of the last parables that Jesus told, He urged His disciples to be faithful in looking after the "little things"-

His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’
(Matthew 25:21, 23)

This month we examine what it means to be a follower of Christ and what following Christ means today. One of the things that becomes outstanding when we look at the life and teaching of Christ is just how emphasis He places on "little things". As a Church we want to be followers of Christ and to follow Christ by making sure we don't get so high and mighty that we forget how to look after little things. What makes something qualify for being a "little thing"? I reckon anything that doesn't involve reward, acclaim, or even recognition is probably a little thing. Anything that is probably so easy, so simple, so mundane and possibly even so routine, to make it easy to overlook is probably a "little thing".

There are examples of little things that we must attend to in our lives- such as washing our hands, brushing our teeth, and stretching.

There are little things we have to do in our marriages - saying "I love you", making a cup tea at the right moment, buying flowers, looking attractive and going for walks together.
There are little things to be done as a family - like board games together, going for walks together, sitting on your child's bed at night and asking them how their day was, and remembering the names of your child's teacher and friends.

There are little things we have to do as a church - like say hello to people, ask people how they're going and then ask again for something more than just a glib cliche, pray for the needs of others, get to know the names of the children in the church, offer to help in the kitchen or greeting on the door, or offering to get visitors a drink. There are some other little things that contribute to making a church healthy- like, spending time with God each day in prayer and Bible reading, meditating on God's Word through listening to CD teaching etc., and supporting a cell group.

No matter how "big" we get, I pray that we too, like the faithful servants in Matthew 25, can be found faithful in doing the little things.

Dr. Andrew Corbett, February 23rd, 2006

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