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strengthening faith.dispelling doubts

Andrew Corbett in Zimbabwe at the Memorial to David Livingstone

Devotional Inklings...

Finding Truth Matters offers an exciting range of apologetic material that challenges hearts and minds.



"The same sort of thing goes on Sunday mornings, its just a different set of rules. Dave runs into Bob in the church lobby. Both are wearing their happy faces, though neither is happy at all. 'Hey, Bob, how are ya?' Bob is actually furious at his wife and ready to leave her, but he says, 'Great, just great, Dave. The Lord is good!' Dave, on the other hand, hasn't believed in the goodness of God for years, ever since his daughter was killed. 'Yep- God is good, all the time. I'm just so glad to be here, praising the Lord.' 'Me too. Well, I'll be praying for you!' I would love to see a tally of the numbers of prayers actually prayed against the number of prayers promised. I bet its about one in a thousand. 'And I'll be praying for you too. Well, gotta go! You take care.' 'Take care' is our way of saying, 'I'm done with this conversation and I want to get out of here but I don't want to appear rude so I'll say something that sounds meaningful and caring,' but in truth, Dave doesn't give a rip about Bob." ("Wild At Heart", John Eldredge)

Men are afraid and women are worried! Women want men to be brave, daring, courageous, adventuresome, and romantic. ("Funny" rarely rates! As one comedian noted, "I thought being funny would win me the women, but all I win is their laughter! Imagine being in a room full of ladies when in walks a dashing action hero and a comedian. Guess who wins?! Darn!") But most men actually want to be what women want as well, but they're deeply afraid. Amazingly, the very things that men fear the most are the things which would cause the cream of these qualities to rise to the top. Things like beautifying a wife, maturing children, earning provisions, contributing to society, and pursuing a series of adventures with his family are what make a man blossom. Yet in a pathetically ironic way, many men swallow their fear pills and succumb to emotional emasculation. The problem is made worst by the lack of role models. So who can a man turn to in order to face their deepest fears head on and begin to become real man?

So Jesus came out... and Pilate said to them, “Behold the man!”
John 19:5

Jesus is the bravest, most daring, courageous, adventuresome, and romantic man ever. He was a man among men. He has inspired millions of men down through history to live bigger lives. And man, He is able to make a man out of you.

For the sake of your own life and family accept the challenge to live as a real man, free from fear, and modeled after the only Man in history who lived 24/7 fear-free. It begins with hope and a prayer.







Dr. Andrew Corbett, August 24th 2005

In defence of Christianity

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