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strengthening faith.dispelling doubts

Andrew Corbett in Zimbabwe at the Memorial to David Livingstone

Devotional Inklings...

Finding Truth Matters offers an exciting range of apologetic material that challenges hearts and minds.



The couple had had a whirlwind romance. Back in the days before email, well-wishers used telegrams to convey their delight to a newly married couple. Some friends thought it would be nice to encourage these newly weds as they embarked on their Honeymoon with a poetic verse of Scripture. They went to the Post Office and asked for a telegram be sent to the Honeymooners with "1 John 4:18". The Postal Clerk however left off the "1" and simply put "John 4:18". When the groom received the telegram from his bride's friends he was dumbfounded. That telegram ruined Honeymoon!

The well-wishers had sought to convey the encouraging and appropriate verse- "Perfect love casts out all fear" (1 John 4:18). But with the Postal Clerk's error they had actually sent- "You have had five husbands and the man you are now with is not your husband!" (John 4:18). The Postal Clerk didn't understand that nearly right is wrong.

Many people are like the Postal Clerk. They settle for "nearly right". At Easter we are reminded that Jesus Christ audaciously claimed that nearly right was wrong- and it was one of the reasons it cost Him His life!

You hear nearly right statements all the time- "All religions lead to God", "You don't have to go to Church to be a Christian", "If you believe in God you will go to heaven", "God made me this way so I can't control the way I feel or act". Unfortunately these statements are all like the Postal Clerk's omission of the "1". Each of these statements are illogical and ridiculous even though they sound "nearly right".

Jesus Christ claimed He was the way to God; the truth of God; and the life of God, and that there was no other way to God; no other ultimate source of truth about God; and no other way to have eternal life with God (John 14:6). Perhaps you have been living your life "nearly right" but you know something is wrong. You're missing the "1" from your life- and Jesus is the One!

At Legana Christian Church this Easter (and every Sunday) you’re welcome to discover how Jesus is the One! Visit us on the web at to begin your experience. Remember: nearly right is wrong.

Dr. Andrew Corbett, April 14th 2006

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